Sunday, 8 November 2009

Friday, 16 October 2009

2009 - 2010 - Beginning of an end... 2

They have been watched and ... they are not what they used to be.

Or ...
... they were what they wanted to be like because they had to be...


...there are those who go on being what they were and still are what they really are.

These are to be believed!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

2009 - 2010 - Beginning of an end...

I'm there and I am not there...
They are just there.
Some of them are there.
One or two are there but it's as if that there isn't there anymore.
No more than co-existing.

Friday, 10 July 2009

this morning ...

what remains of this morning
the sound
of fresh laughter,
of strong beats of hearts that know what feeling is like,
of futures getting there fast,
of friendships not allowing destruction,
of so many things happening and still to happen.
It was GOOD to have all this so very near. Not only this morning....

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Phonetic punctuation

This is what Paula and your E.T. meant the other day!
Sounds for punctuation...

Do have a look! And ... ENJOY!

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Life is very much so:
made of good and bad moments.

Monday, 18 May 2009

E.T. speaking about ...


... they ended up by working in spite of being unwilling to do so at the beginning...

Some of them (rather ... noticed that in one of them only... ) didn't seem to have felt the time passing by! Let's see how next will be...

Am looking forward to see the result of what was done...

Friday, 15 May 2009

As a matter of fact...

there are times ...
in which ...
a witch is recognised by being a good witch ...
That is good and touches any witchy heart deeply...

Monday, 11 May 2009

Dead Poets Society, an "oldie" never seen by many

Memorable quotes for Dead Poets Society (1989)

John Keating: No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.

Meeks: I'll try anything once.
Dalton: Except sex.

John Keating: They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.

John Keating: O Captain, my Captain. Who knows where that comes from? Anybody? Not a clue? It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now in this class you can either call me Mr. Keating, or if you're slightly more daring, O Captain my Captain.

John Keating: We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?

John Keating: Sucking the marrow out of life doesn't mean choking on the bone.

John Keating: There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for.

John Keating: I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself.
Nolan: At these boys' age? Not on your life!

Neil: For the first time in my whole life, I know what I wanna do! And for the first time, I'm gonna do it! Whether my father wants me to or not! Carpe diem!

John Keating: We're not laughing at you - we're laughing near you.

Dalton: [answering phone] Welton Academy, hello. Yes he is, just a moment. Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It's God. He says we should have girls at Welton.

John Keating: Language was developed for one endeavor, and that is - Mr. Anderson? Come on, are you a man or an amoeba?
John Keating: Mr. Perry?
Neil: To communicate.
John Keating: No! To woo women!

Neil: [quoting Henry David Thoreau] "I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."
Dalton: I'll second that.
Neil: "To put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived."

McAllister: "Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams and I'll show you a happy man."
John Keating: "But only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'Twas always thus, and always thus will be."
McAllister: Tennyson?
John Keating: No, Keating.

John Keating: Close your eyes, close your eyes! Close 'em! Now, describe what you see.
Todd Anderson: Uh, I-I close my eyes.
John Keating: Yes.
Todd Anderson: Uh, and this image floats beside me.
John Keating: A sweaty-toothed madman.
Todd Anderson: A sweaty-toothed madman with a stare that pounds my brain.
John Keating: Oh, that's *excellent*! Now, give him action - make him do something!
Todd Anderson: H-His hands reach out and choke me.
John Keating: That's it! Wonderful, wonderful!
Todd Anderson: And all the time he's mumbling.
John Keating: What's he mumbling?
Todd Anderson: Mumbling truth.
John Keating: Yeah, yes.
Todd Anderson: Truth like-like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold.
John Keating: [some of the class start to laugh] Forget them, forget them! Stay with the blanket. Tell me about that blanket!
Todd Anderson: Y-Y-You push it, stretch it, it'll never be enough. You kick at it, beat it, it'll never cover any of us. From the moment we enter crying t-to the moment we leave dying, it'll just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream.
[long pause then class applauds]
John Keating: Don't you forget this.

Neil: [Neil finds Todd sitting alone on the roof] Hey!
Todd Anderson: Hey.
Neil: What's going on?
Todd Anderson: Nothin'. Today's my birthday.
Neil: Is today your birthday? Happy birthday!
Todd Anderson: Thanks.
Neil: What'd you get?
Todd Anderson: [indicating the desk set lying beside him] My parents gave me this.
Neil: Isn't this the same desk set-
Todd Anderson: Yeah. Yeah, they gave me the same thing as last year.
Neil: Oh.
Todd Anderson: Oh.
Neil: Maybe they thought you needed another one.
Todd Anderson: Maybe they weren't thinking about anything at all. The funny thing is about this is, I-I didn't even like it the first time.
Neil: Todd, I think you're underestimating the value of this desk set.
[He picks it up]
Neil: I mean, who would want a football or a baseball or...
Todd Anderson: Or a car.
Neil: Or a car, if they could have a desk set as wonderful as this one? I mean, if-if I were ever going to buy a desk set, twice, I would probably buy this one. Both times! In fact, its shape is... it's rather aerodynamic, isn't it?
[walks to the edge of the roof]
Neil: You can feel it. This desk set wants to fly!
[hands it to Todd]
Neil: Todd? The world's first unmanned flying desk set.
[Todd throws it off the roof - papers fly everywhere and things crash and clatter to the ground]
Neil: Oh my! Well, I wouldn't worry. You'll get another one next year.

John Keating: Phone call from God. If it had been collect, that would have been daring!

John Keating: Mr. Anderson! Don't think that I don't know that this assignment scares the hell out of you, you mole!

Todd Anderson: Keating said that everybody took turns reading and I don't wanna do that.
Neil: Gosh, you really have a problem with that don't you?
Todd Anderson: N-No, I don't have a problem, Neil. I just - I don't wanna do it, okay!

[Keating stands on his desk]
John Keating: Why do I stand up here? Anybody?
Dalton: To feel taller!
John Keating: No!
[Dings a bell with his foot]
John Keating: Thank you for playing Mr. Dalton. I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.

John Keating: I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling! I would go to the beach and people would kick copies of Byron in my face!

Dr. Hagar: That wouldn't be a radio in your lap would it Mr. Pitts?
Pitts: No sir, science experiment... radar!

[after hearing "The Introduction to Poetry"]
John Keating: Excrement! That's what I think of Mr. J. Evans Pritchard! We're not laying pipe! We're talking about poetry. How can you describe poetry like American Bandstand? "I like Byron, I give him a 42 but I can't dance to it!"

[about joining the DPS]
Dalton: It'll help you get Chris!
Knox: Yeah? How?
Dalton: Women swoon!
[Dalton rushes off to class]
Knox: But why do they swoon?
[runs after Dalton]
Knox: Charlie, tell me why they swoon!

John Keating: Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." Don't be resigned to that. Break out!

John Keating: Now we all have a great need for acceptance, but you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular, even though the herd may go,
[imitating a goat]
John Keating: "that's baaaaad." Robert Frost said, "Two roads diverged in the wood and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."


Todd Anderson: [standing on his desk] Oh captain, my captain.

Neil: So what are you going to do? Charlie?
Dalton: Damn it Neil, the name is Nuwanda.

[last lines]
John Keating: Thank you, boys. Thank you.

John Keating: Mr. Meeks, time to inherit the earth.

John Keating: This is a battle, a war, and the casualties could be your hearts and souls.

Knox: C'mon, Chris, just give me one chance. If you don't like me after tonight I'll stay away forever.
Chris Noel: Uh-huh.
Knox: I promise. Dead Poets Honor. You come with me tonight and then if you don't wanna see me again I swear I'll bow out.
Chris Noel: You know what would happen if Chet found out?
Knox: He won't know anything. We'll sit in the back and sneak away as soon as it's over.
Chris Noel: And I suppose you would promise that this would be the end of it.
Knox: Dead Poets Honor.
Chris Noel: What is that?
Knox: My word.

Neil Perry: I just talked to my father. He's making me quit the play at Henley Hall. Acting's everything to me. I- But he doesn't know! He- I can see his point; we're not a rich family, like Charlie's. We- But he's planning the rest of my life for me, and I- He's never asked me what I want!
John Keating: Have you ever told your father what you just told me? About your passion for acting? You ever showed him that?
Neil Perry: I can't.
John Keating: Why not?
Neil Perry: I can't talk to him this way.
John Keating: Then you're acting for him, too. You're playing the part of the dutiful son. Now, I know this sounds impossible, but you have to talk to him. You have to show him who you are, what your heart is!
Neil Perry: I know what he'll say! He'll tell me that acting's a whim and I should forget it. They're counting on me; he'll just tell me to put it out of my mind for my own good.
John Keating: You are not an indentured servant! It's not a whim for you, you prove it to him by your conviction and your passion! You show that to him, and if he still doesn't believe you - well, by then, you'll be out of school and can do anything you want.
Neil Perry: No. What about the play? The show's tomorrow night!
John Keating: Then you have to talk to him before tomorrow night.
Neil Perry: Isn't there an easier way?
John Keating: No.
Neil Perry: [laughs] I'm trapped!
John Keating: No you're not.

[Neil's father has just driven him home from his performance in "A Midsummer Night's Dream."]
Mr. Perry: We're trying very hard to understand why it is that you insist on defying us. Whatever the reason, we're not gonna let you ruin your life. Tomorrow I'm withdrawing you from Welton and enrolling you in Braighton Military School. You're going to Harvard, and you're gonna be a doctor.
Neil Perry: But, that's ten more years! Father, that's a *lifetime*!
Mr. Perry: Oh, stop it! Don't be so dramatic! You make it sound like a prison term! You don't understand, Neil! You have opportunities that I never even dreamt of, and I am not going to let you waste them!
Neil Perry: I've got to tell you what I feel!
Mrs. Perry: We've been so worried about you!
Mr. Perry: *What*? What? Tell me what you feel! What is it? Is it more of this, this *acting* business? Because you can forget that! What?
Neil Perry: [pauses] Nothing.
Mr. Perry: [pauses] Nothing? Well, then, let's go to bed.

Meeks: Me and Pitts are working on a hi-fi system. It shouldn't be that hard to, uh, to put together.
Pitts: Yeah... Uh, I might be going to Yale... Uh, but I might not.

Gloria: Don't you guys miss having girls around here?
Meeks, Pitts: Yeah.

Nolan: Free thinkers at 17?

John Keating: Mr. Pitts, would you open your hymnal to page 542 and read the first stanza of the poem you find there.
Pitts: [reading the poem title] "To the Virgins To Make Much of Time"?
John Keating: Yes, that's the one. Somewhat appropriate, isn't it?

Hopkins: [reading his poem] "The cat sat on the mat"
John Keating: Congratulations, Mr. Hopkins. You have the first poem to ever have a negative score on the Pritchard scale.

[the students are climbing onto Keating's desk to see a new perspective]
John Keating: Now, don't just walk off the edge like lemmings! Look around you!

Neil: I was good. I was really good.

Dalton: I'm exercising the right not to walk.

Neil: If I don't ask him, at least I won't be disobeying him.

Todd Anderson: [talking about people listening to him] The point is, that there's nothing you can do about it. So you can just butt out. I can take care of myself just fine. Alright?
Neil: [long pause] No.
Todd Anderson: What do you mean 'no'?
Neil: [grinning] No!

Neil: [talking angrily to Todd] You're in the club! Being in the club means being stirred up by things! You look about as stirred up as a cesspool!

John Keating: [the class hesitates to rip out the introduction page] It's not the Bible, you're not gonna go to Hell for this.

Chet Danburry: Next time I see you, you die.

About "To Sir, with Love II"

Memorable Quotes for To Sir with Love II (TV) (1996)
: They got their minds made up about us, Mr. Thackeray.
Mark Thackeray: Then change them.
student: Yeah, right! Maybe that would work where you're from or where you went. You know, you run off to England and you teach in some school and you REALLY think you're something, don't you?
Mark Thackeray: I AM something - everyone is.
student: Well, in this country you're nothin'. It don't matter how many schools you teach in... you and me, we walk down the street and all people are gonna see is black skin.
Mark Thackeray: What do you want them to see?
student: Me.
Mark Thackeray: Who are you? Do you see YOU the way you want to be seen? Then you must see character in yourself, discipline in yourself, determination in yourself - to survive - with dignity, no matter how tough the world around you is. Is that who you are? If not, is that who you want to be? If so, come... let's go walk down a street and see what we can GET them to see.
.... .... ..... ....
Mark Thackeray: What we saw yesterday is that to a considerable extent, we control how we are perceived. "Yo!" Gets you one response, "Excuse me, sir," another. When we address someone with respect, we are more often than likely to GET respect - not always, but more often than you think, and if you're smart, that ought to be enough. Common courtesy - "please", "thank you", "excuse me"... magical words, magical words.
"When we watched this film, racism was very present. In this school the school board discriminates the bad students. This isn't good because shouldn't be negatively competing among them.

This school doesn't help these students because the school board think they are lost in their lives and there was nothing to be done about them.
Mr. Thackeray symbolizes the strength to overcome all that situation and he gives them self-confidence. He turned those students into worthwhile people to live with."

"In my opinion, I think the movie was good and it showed very well to us what racism is and how black people react before insults and discrimination.

Mr. Mark Thackeray was a teacher in a school, in Chicago. In that school there were two sections: A and H. In Section H the students were discriminated and in Mr. Thacheray's class there were many black students being one a gangster leader. He was very problematic.
I think that Mark Thackeray could teach them properly: he managed to have them changing their attitude towards other people and the way other people looked at them also changed on that account.
He manage to show to us that sometimes we think wrongly about certain people and that is n't very often a fair attitude to have."
Joana Rita
"Racism is a feeling that can lead to some behaviours and attitudes. Sometimes this discrimination makes target people become aggressive. A good example of that is the film To Sir, with Love II.
When people start to feel they are not import to anybody else, they just want to call the others' attention onto themvelves. This is what happens with Mr. Thackeray's class.
Teachers put them aside even before knowing them so teachers think they are all the same and don't care about them. These students try to show off so that the other students get ware of their existence. Although no one can understand their attitudes, they do what they do for a reason. There are many cases like this all over the world.
Only someone like Mr. Thackeray who doesn't mind if the others are black or white, if they belong to the U-class or not, can talk to them and make himslef be heard among them.
With this I want to show that it doesn't matter where people are from or whether they have money or are excellent students. We are all equal and deserve to have our rights respected."
A. Paula

"According to my point of view this film isn't all about racism The movie is a bout a group of young people that is discriminated by others. They take good care of each other like a family. They think they are discriminated by others and that they have no future. Their teachers porve to them they are wrong though. They are all equal!"


"When I saw this movie, I noticed that the differences between students in the same school was huge. That is sad.
We are a school and one by one we build the school as we want it to be and building a wall leaving the' best' on one side and the' worst' on the other is ridiculous.
What is being the 'best' or the 'worst'? What makes people distinct? Nothing. We all have the chance of making our dreams come true and it's not because we have a different skin colour, greasy hair or being on our own that people are led to think we can't make it. People are not allowed to hurt us.
I know what this sort of suffering is like. It's not good. We feel apart as if we are some kind of aberration and this movie shows there are people who can helps have confidence in our own attitudes and learn to accept other people's help.
I think we should accept these chances and try to trust people, right? People are all different . Hopefully there will be a Mark Thacheray waiting for us somewhere.
Racism is bad. Segreagation is bad. But... it's up to us to change all that. When the others think they are superiro and try to minimize us, it's because they are just jealous!
:) I really loved the movie. "

"In the movie To Sir, with Love II we can see quite a bit of racism. That happens when Mr. Thackeray gets a job to his students and they start to discuss why the jobs are mostly to white people. For me that's the only scene in the movie where racism is to be seen. The rest of the movie shows us about the segregation existing in that school."


"In this movie racism is clear as everybody associates gangs with black people. If we pay attention, we can see that almost everybody belonging to H section is black; they had no opportunity to show what they were capable to do and so they allowed that rebel and useless stereotype to be a fact.
Mr. Thackeray is the living proof that H section students can put an end to such a reputation. He helps them to think for themselves, he educates them by showing them they can speak and act politely and that will help them to get a job more easily and be taken seriously."
Ana Sofia

"Many people are rejected by society, not only because of their skin colour but also because of their culture, their religion, their habits, their homeland and mainly because of their appearence.
This movie shows us that we are all equal and all of us may not have a good life but they can fight to improve their living conditions. All of us can either change our life or make it different if we feel like it. However what we need sometimes is somebody to help us to change it. In my opinion, Mr. Thacheray represents every kind of help people can have.
After watching this movie, I feel much stronger to continue doing what I really am up to and I've learned that all of us own this strength independently from our own differences. The only difference is that this strength is hidden deep inside all of us and we only need to have guts to make use of it in a real way."


"This movie was really cool. I really liked that. It showed me that we all can have the same opportunities no matter what race we are. If we want, we have it. There is no job for just one race. Anyone can have a job anywhere. Mr. Thackeray showed that to his students. He trusted that classgroup and he helped them to trust themselves. He showed them they weren't different from the other schoolmates although the school principal didn't find it. Mr. Thackeray, the History teacher, taught his classgroup to face themselves as they really were.
I really, really liked the movie: it shows us that we can't give up being what we are just because someone doesn't believe we can be somone in this short life. We just have to fight for that and we'll be able to make it. Just because we are different for the others, it doesn't mean we can't have the ame opportunities, it doesn't mean we have to live separated from the others"

"In this movie I saw some sort of racism: school separates students into two sections: A and H. The students in section H are called the 'losers'. A teacher, Mr. Thackeray belives the 'lost' section can do something worthwhile and proves that these students have the same capacities of the students in section A. They all finish their high school studies as the section A students did.
In reality that situation occurs frequently but sometimes there's nobody trusting the weaker ones."
"The movie features a classgroup in a school in Chicago. What's special about this class is that all the students come from troubled families and have different origins.
Throughout the movie there are several displays of racism, mainly inside the school. The most evident display was in the classroom.
When Mr.Thacheray announced he was going to find a job for whoever anted one, Frankie stated that no one ever helped him because he was white when, in fact, the vicims of racism were black people as they could getn't certain jobs. Unfortunately that kind of racism was very common.
In the end all their differences were put aside when they offered "passive resistence" to Mr. Thackeray's firing."
Ricardo " Manois"

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


Fights and Feelings . Feelings causing fights .... Fights causing feelings.

All this summarises students and E.T's relationship through the second term!

Good sense has prevailed and that is nice!

Well... Just like it was said in today's English class, the 1st one in this so short term: Nobody can be plain professional if there's some sort of empathy existing between the parts involved in a task. Even if there's an attempt to have it so, there's always a small hint, a small proof of what is hidden deep inisde the heart!

That makes the difference.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

A simple rethorical question!

Just wondering: Is my concern worth it?

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Hands ...

Hands are some part of the soul .
They allow emotion and feeling to flow into others as eyes do.
Everybody knows whose hands these are.
Can't a lot be said about the owner even without knowing who they belong to??